Minted Prose Sponsors Memory Book/Zoom Hungary Video as Book Trailer Of The Day in Publishers Weekly E-Newsletter
Minted Prose is pleased to announce that we are sponsoring our Memory Book/ZoOm Hungary video on Publishers Weekly eNewsletter. In the video, Minted Prose and its travel partner ZoOm Hungary provide a visual portrayal of The Memory Book: One Woman’s Self-Discovery in the Mist of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Hungary today.
“This sponsorship opportunity gives us a chance to showcase the book and Hungary and we hope it sends more people to both,” said author Linda Fischer. “We know people who read Publishers Weekly’s eNewsletter will enjoy this entertaining video. Everyone who has seen it so far either wants to read the book, visit the country, or do both!”
The book is available through SPU, a division of Independent Publishers Group. To order The Memory Book, visit IPG’s website or contact IPG at (800) 888-4741. Receive 10% off purchase through the website with code MEMORYBOOK.
To learn more about The Memory Book, see here.