NEWS: American Hungarian Library and Historical Society Hosts Author Linda Fischer for a Memory Book Presentation
Author Linda Fischer had the distinct pleasure of giving her Memory Book Presentation to attendees at the American Hungarian Library and Historical Society in New York City. Hungarian Human Rights Foundation president László Hámos introduced Ms. Fischer saying he was intrigued by the book and the author’s dedication to the subject, especially given she is not Hungarian nor does she have any Hungarian roots. He introduced her warmly to the Society.
The presentation lasted almost an hour with many colorful slides, taking the audience on a historical journey from turn of the century Hungary to today. Interestingly, the Hungarian library itself played a role in the story, too. There Fischer spent many a Wednesday afternoon, with the librarian of the time, Aniko Pinter. She was always there to help with exceptional kindness. The presentation was followed by a short reception.
The Library’s current librarian Bíborka Kása said, “I would like to say thank you for your presentation. It was so amazing. I really appreciate that you could come and shared with us your wonderful experiences. You are such a powerful and passionate authoress. I look forward to you and the library continuing this cooperation in the future.”
—Linda Fischer
Learn more about The Memory Book
László Hámos introduced author Linda Fischer
Linda Fischer discussing the Memory Book
The Hungarian House provided a lovely setting for the Memory Book presentation